The Crucible steering group is meeting on 30 June to make decisions about future modules. As long as restrictions are not re-imposed, we will have the option of reverting to in-person teaching in the autumn. We really miss the interaction and opportunities to get to know each other that online modules don’t allow, but we are also aware that the online modules have enabled us to connect with a much wider constituency, to charge lower fees and to save travelling time and environmental impact. Should we continue online, revert to in-person modules or develop some kind of hybrid? We would welcome your thoughts on this: please email [email protected]
Second, we are aware that the online modules do not allow time or privacy for the kinds of conversations we have enjoyed over the years at Crucible events – conversations about issues raised in the modules, about vocation, about pastoral concerns, about missional opportunities, about involvement in one or more of the sponsoring agencies, etc. So we want to say at this point that we are open to arranging such conversations – via Zoom, phone or in person – if any of you would value these. Just let us know. For those who have participated in the Crucible Course in autumne and spring thank you for journeying with us over the past months. We hope you have a relaxing summer and we’ll be in touch in due course about future Crucible plans. The Crucible team
AuthorNews and updates from the Crucible Course team. Archives
August 2024
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